Flavor of the Month {Donuts}

I have a terrible sweet tooth & love me a good donut. A freshly made hot cinnamon one is my fav, but I also can’t go past an iced one with sprinkles, cause… SPRINKLES! I’ve never liked jam filled ones though, which is weird because I like donuts & I like jam, just not together… 

However my love of donuts has also spilled over into the decorating, accessorizing world too.So here are just a handful of some of the sweetest ones I’ve come across lately. 

1.Donut cushion by Struckla & Peach 

2.Donut bib from Ollie & Coco

3.Donut phone cover case by Zonkt Designs 

4.Donut play set by Little Fox Crochet

5.Donut garland by Little Puddles 

Donut you just love them all! So adorable!

Again this is not a sponsored post, nor are there any affiliate links- just products that have caught my eye or that I’m lusting after.

                             LOZZIE X

What’s your favorite type of donut to eat? Which is your pick from the ones above? Have another donut product I should know about?

Tell me, tell me…. Here, over on Insta or Facebook I’d love to hear from you